InoueAppendix.pdf へのリンク

The following link is an appendix to the paper "On the Inoue invariants of the puzzles of Sudoku type" by T. Nakano, K. Arai and H. Watanabe (PDF fiel)

The followin link is a set of programs used in the preprint "On the Inoue invariants of the puzzles of Sudoku type II" by T. Nakano, S. Minami, S. Harikae, K. Arai, H. Watanabe, Y. Tonegawa. For the usage, see "How to use the program".
How to use the program
ToricSurfaceAppendix.pdf へのリンク

The following link is an appendix to the paper "On the projective embeddings of Gorenstein toric del Pezzo surfaces" by T.Kikuchi and T.Nakano (PDF file).


We study Algebra, Algebraic Geometry and Algebraic Analysis.
Our current interest lies in the moduli space of pointed algebraic curves, toric varieties and algebraic D-modules.

Research Area

Research Papers

[1] Regular actions of simple algebraic groups on projective threefolds, Nagoya Math. J. 116(1989), 139-148.

[2] On equivariant completions of 3-dimensional homogeneous spaces of SL(2, C), Japan. J. of Math. 15(1989), 221-273.

[3] Regular actions of semi-simple algebraic groups on projective threefolds, especially SL(2), in Group actions and invariant theory, A. Bialynicki-Birula et al.(eds.), Proc. of the 1988 Montreal conf. held August 1-6 1988, CMS Conf. Proc. Vol. 10, Amer. Math. Soc.(1989), 137-155.

[4] On quasi-homogeneous fourfolds of SL(3), Osaka J. Math. 29(1992), 719-733.

[5] On some maximal Galois coverings over affine and projective planes (with K. Tamai), Osaka J. Math. 33(1996), 347-364.

[6] Projective threefolds on which SL(2) acts with 2-dimensional general orbits, Transactions of the American Mathematical Society 350(1998), 2903-2924.

[7] On some maximal Galois coverings over affine and projective planes II (with H. Nishikubo), Tokyo J. Math. 23(2000), 295-310.

[8] Defining equations and rigidity of 3-dimensional quotient terminal singularities - a computational approach - (with H. Takamidori), J. JSSAC 9(2003), 50-57.

[9] On the moduli space of pointed algebraic curves of low genus - a computational approach - (with T. Mori), Tokyo J. Math. 27(2004), 239-253.

[10] On the moduli space of pointed algebraic curves of low genus II - Rationality - , Tokyo J. Math. 31(2008), 147-160.

[11] On the projective embeddigns of Gorenstein toric del Pezzo surfaces (with T. Kikuchi), Illinois J. Math. 53(2009), 1051-1059

[12] Introduction to Boolean Groebner bases and their applications to puzzles of Sudoku type (with Y. Tonegawa), L. of Algebra and Applied Math. 12(2014), 1-31

[13] On the branch numbers of the tree diagrams in the Inoue algorithm, J. of Algebra and Apploied Math. 12(2014), 49-57

[14] On the Inoue invariants of the puzzles of Sudoku type (with K. Arai and H. Watanabe), Communications of JSSAC 2 (2016), 1-14

[15] On the moduli space of pointed algebraic curves of low genus III -Positive characteristic-, Tokyo J. Math. 39(2016), 565-582